Demography - Analysis and Synthesis 4 Vols. Set

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This four-volume collection of over 140 original chapters covers virtually everything of interest to demographers, sociologists, and others. Over 100 authors present population subjects in ways that provoke thinking and lead to the creation of new perspectives, not just facts and equations to be memorized. The articles follow a theory-methods-applications approach and so offer a kind of "one-stop shop" that is well suited for students and professors who need non-technical summaries, such as political scientists, public affairs specialists, and others. Unlike shorter handbooks, Demography: Analysis and Synthesis offers a long overdue, thorough treatment of the field.Choosing the analytical method that fits the data and the situation requires insights that the authors and editors of Demography: Analysis and Synthesis have explored and developed. This extended examination of demographic tools not only seeks to explain the analytical tools themselves, but also the relationships between general population dynamics and their natural, economic, social, political, and cultural environments. Limiting themselves to human populations only, the authors and editors cover subjects that range from the core building blocks of population change--fertility, mortality, and migration--to the consequences of demographic changes in the biological and health fields, population theories and doctrines, observation systems, and the teaching of demography. The international perspectives brought to these subjects is vital for those who want an unbiased, rounded overview of these complex, multifaceted subjects. Topics to be covered:* Population Dynamics and the Relationship Between Population Growth and Structure* The Determinants of Fertility* The Determinants of Mortality* The Determinants of Migration* Historical and Geographical Determinants of Population* The Effects of Population on Health, Economics, Culture, and the Environment* Population Policies* Data Collection Methods and Teaching about Population Studies


Part One: Population Growth
Populations and Individuals, J. Vallin.
Population: Replacement and Change, J. Vallin.
Population Increase, G. Wunsch, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Population Dynamics: Movement and Structure, G. Caselli and J. Vallin.
Part Two: The Longitudinal Approach: Description of Demographic Processes in a Birth Cohort
Variation Through Time of Age-Specific Rates, G. Caselli and J. Vallin.
From Situating Events in Time to the Lexis Diagram and the Computing of Rates, G. Caselli and J. Vallin.
Frequency Surfaces and Isofrequency Lines, G. Caselli and Jacques Vallin.
Rates, Frequencies, and Probabilities, G. Wunsch.
Competing Risks, Independence, and Continuity, G. Wunsch.
The Longitudinal Approach, G. Wunsch.
Cohort Life Table, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Cohort Analysis of Fertility, G. Wunsch.
Cohort Approach to External Migration Flows, G. Caselli and J. Vallin.
Part Three: Period Analysis Revisited: The Hypothetical Cohort and Its Relations with Actual Birth Cohorts
The Hypothetical Cohort as a Tool for Demographic Analysis, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Confounding Variables, Standardization, and the Problem of Summary, G. Wunsch.
Relationships Between Age-Specific Rates and Synthetic Indicators: Decomposition of a Difference, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Demographic Translation: From Period to Cohort Perspective and Back, N. Keilman.
Age-Period-Cohort Models in Demography, J. Wilmoth.
Part Four: A Tentative Synthesis of the Components of Dynamics: from Reproduction to Population Models
Population Replacement, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Population Models, G. Caselli, J. Vallin and G. Wunsch.
Part Five: From Homogeneity to Heterogeneity: New Ways forward for Demographic Analysis
Unobserved Population Heterogeneity, J. Vaupel and A. Yashin.
Mobility and Spatial Heterogeneity, D. Courgeau.
Demographic Event History Analysis, D. Courgeau and E. Lelièvre.
Individuals and Context in the Multilevel Approach to Behavioral Analysis, D. Courgeau.
Part One: A Precondition of Fertility: Union Formation
Analysis of Couple Formation and Dissolution, P. Festy.
Event-History Analysis of Nuptiality, P. Antoine.
The Complexities of Nuptiality: From Early Female Union to Male Polygamy in Africa, P. Antoine.
Factors in Couple Formation, T. Locoh.
Marital and Non-Marital Fertility, S. Salvini and A. Santini.
Part Two: Biological and Social Factors of Fertility at the Level of Individuals and Couples
Biological and Social Factors of Fertility : An Overview, H. Leridon.
Factors of Fecundability and the Nonsusceptible Period, H. Leridon.
Foetal Mortality, C. Gourbin.
Sterility: Causes and Treatment, H. Leridon.
Natural Fertility and Controlled Fertility, H. Leridon.
Induced Abortion, G.D. Zuanna.
Demography and Sexuality, M. Bozon.
Part Three: Socioeconomic and Cultural Factors of Fertility
The Social and Economic Context of Fertility, H. Joshi and P. David.
The Geography of Fertility: Maps, Narratives and Demographic Innovation, R. Lesthaeghe and K. Neel.
Fertility: Theories, Frameworks, Models, Concepts, B. de Bruijn.

Part One: Health, Morbidity and Causes of Death
Health, Illness and Death, C. Gourbin and G. Wunsch.
Measuring the State of Health, C. Sermet and Emmanuelle Camboi.
Medical Causes of Death, F. Meslé.
The Study of Causes of Death in Developing Countries, V. Fauveau.
Dependence and Independence Between Causes of Death, G. Wunsch.
Measurement and Levels of Maternal Mortality, J. Fortney.
The Determinants of Infant Health and Mortality, G. Masuy-Stroobant.
Relationship Between Morbidity and Mortality by Cause, V. Egidi and L. Frova.
Part Two: Endogenous and Exogenous Mortality
From Endogenous Mortality to the Maximum Human Life Span, J. Vallin and G. Berlinguer.
Genetic Factors in Mortality, L. Soliani and E. Luchetti.
The Environmental Factors of Mortality, F. Sartor.
Behavior, Life Styles and Socio-Cultural Factors of Mortality, J. Vallin, G. Caselli and P. Surault.
The Medical Response: Medical Technologies and Public Expectations, P. Vineis.
Part Three: The Intricacy of Differential Mortality Factors
Mortality, Sex and Gender, J. Vallin.
Social Inequalities in Mortality, T. Valkonen.
Geographic Variations of Mortality, G. Caselli and J. Vallin.
Part Four: Theories and Frameworks of Mortality
Theories and Frameworks for the Study of Child Mortality, G. Masuy-Stroobant.
The Health Transition: Trends and Prospects, F. Meslé and Jacques Vallin.
Part One: Major Migration Streams and Theories of International Migration
International Migration in the 20th Century: the Case of the Western Countries, G. Caselli.
The Theories of International Migration, H. Zlotnik.
Part Two: The Principal Factors of Migration
The Economic Determinants of Migration, M. Termote.
The Urbanization Process, D. Pumain.
Political Pressure, L. Legoux.
The Individual and Social Motivations for Migration, D. Courgeau and É. Lelièvre.
Part Three: Specific Approaches to Two Particular Types of Migration
Daily Travel: Approaches and Models, M. Bottai and O. Barsotti.
Studying Return Migration: Data from Censuses, Surveys and Registers, J.L. Rallu.


Part One: The History of the Human Population
The History of the Human Population From the First Beginnings to the Present Day, J.N. Biraben.
Migration as a Primary Force in Human Population Processes, D. Coleman.
Europe's Demographic Transition, 1740-1940, J. Vallin.
From the Globalization of The Transition to the Return of Uncertainty (1940-2000), J. Vallin.
Part Two: The Geography of Population, Diversity of Demographic Dynamics.
Distribution of the World Population, J.M> Decroly.
Demographic Dynamics and Diversity in the World (1950-2000), B. Schoumaker, D. Tabutin, and M. Willems.
Part Three: The Future of Populations: Demographic Issues and Projections for the Future
Demographic Projections: History of Methods and Current Methodology, C. Wattelar.
Educational Forecasts: From Derived Forecasts to the Application of the Flow Method, M. Lamy.
Hypotheses for Fertility Forecasts, L. Ciucci and P. Giorgi.
Mortality Forecasts: Hypotheses and Methods, G. Caselli.
Hypotheses for Migration Projections, O. Barsotti and A. Bonaguidi.
The United Nations' World Population Projections, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
The Future of Mankind: Looking Ahead. After the Transition?, J. Vallin and G. Caselli.
Part One: Consequences of Demographic Change
Population Change and Genetic Diversity, R. Cliquet.
Lengthening of Life and the Population Health Status, J.M. Robine and Carol Jagger.
Demographic Trends and Relationships Between Generations, A. Golini.
Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences of the Ageing of the Population, J. Légaré.
The Economic Consequences of Migration, M. Domingues-Dos-Santos.
Immigration and Integration in the Developed Countries: A Conceptual Framework, V. Piché.
Economic Growth and Population Growth, A. Dellis and P. Pestieau.
Population and Development, J. Coussy.
The Relationships Between Population and Environment, F. Bartiaux, J.P. van Ypersele.
Part Two: The Population In Its Biological, Economic, Social And Cultural Setting
From the Life Cycle to Life Paths and to Life Transitions, P. De Sandre.
Experiencing Death: A Demographic Approach, A. Monnier and S. Pennec.
Household and Family Demography: Application to Developing Countries, M. Pilon.
Households and families: Developed Countries, N. Keilman.
Social Mobility, Then and Now, F. Héran.
Gender and Demography, A. Pinnelli.
Economic Activity and Demographic Behaviours, G. Gesano.
Demography and Ethnicity: An Ambiguous Relationship, J.L. Rallu, V. Piché and P. Simon.
Genetics and Demography, E. Lucchetti and A. Soliani.

Part One: History of Population Thought
History of Population Thought, É. Vilquin.
History of Ideas in Population Since 1940, P. Demeny.
Ethics and Demography: Or Macrodemus and Microdemus in the Country of Ethicists, F. Heran.
History of Population Policies Up to 1940, M.S. Teitelbaum.
An Introduction to Population Policies, S. Baldi and R.C. de Azevedo.
Part Two: From Fertility Control to Fertility Support
Fertility Control in Third World Countries, T. Locoh and C. Vandermeersch.
Towards a Policy Turnaround in Low-Fertility Developing Countries?, M. Barbieri.
Pronatalist Policy in Industrialized Nations, G. De Santis.
The Effect of Pronatalist Policies in Industrialized Countries, G. Calot.
Part Three: The Demographic Impact of Public Health Policies
Origin of Health Policies, J. Vallin and F. Meslé.
Health Policies: What Strategies? For Whose Benefit?, J. Vallin and F. Meslé.
Health Policies: Can the Results be Evaluated?, J. Vallin and F. Meslé.
Information Systems for Health Policies, V. Egidi and V. Buratta.
Part Four: Migration Policies and Management of the Population Pyramid
Migration Policies, S. Baldi and R.C. de Azavedo.
Economic and Social Management of the Population Pyramid, M. Loriaux.
Part Five: Country Case Studies
Fifty Years of Demographic Policies in China: An Assessment, I. Attané.
India’s Population Policy in the Face of Demographic Momentum, S.I. Rajan and J. Véron.
Population Policies in Mexico, M.E. Cosio-Zavala.
Population Policy in Kenya, V. Golaz and C. Wanja Njue.
Population Policies in Cote-D’Ivoire, A. Anoh.
Population Policy in the United States, C. Haub.
Population Policy in Russia, S. Ivanov, A. Vishnevski and S. Zakharov.
Population Policy in France 1896-2003, J.C. Chesnais.
World Population Growth and the International Community from 1950 to the Present Day, J.C. Chasteland.
Part One: Observation Systems and Indirect Estimation Methods
Information Systems in Demography, D. Tabutin.
Internal Migration: Observation and Concepts, B. Baccaïni.
Conceptual Framework and Data Collection in International Migration, C. Bonifazi and S. Strozza.
Demographic Surveillance Sites, G. Pison.
Comparing in Order to Understand, V. Egidi and Patrick Festy.
Methods of Historical Demography, L. Del Panta, R. Rettaroli, and P.A. Rosental.
Indirect Estimation Methods, K. Hill.
Model Life Tables, J. Duchêne.
Part Two: Statistical Analyses, Specific Tools and Qualitative Approaches
Theory Building in Demography, H. Gérard.
Causality and Causal Models, J. Duchêne and G. Wunsch.
Multidimensional Exploratory Analysis, L. Toulemon.
Regression Analysis, L. Toulemon.
Bridging the Gap Between Micro-Demography and Macro-Demography, F. Billari.
Fertility, Child Mortality and Nuptiality Indicators at the Individual Level, D. Tabutin.
Cohort and Period Measures of Fertility Based on Micro-Data, A. Palloni and P. De Sandre.
The Contribution of Qualitative Methods to Demography, M. Bozon.
Methods of Social Network Analysis, A. Ferrand and A. de Federico de la Rúa.
Part Three: History of Demographic Science, Teaching and Research
The Origins of Demographic Science, É. Vilquin.
Demographic Textbooks and Treatises: Some Considerations, A. Nobile and A. De Rose.
Demography Teaching and Research, D. Maffioli.
Advantages and Limitations of Demographic Software and Simulation Programs, A. Pinnelli and A.M. Birindelli.
Centers of Demographic Research and Teaching, D. Maffioli.
Demography Viewed by Demographers, M. Loriaux and T. Vishnievskaia.

Sub Title Demography  - Analysis and Synthesis 4 Vols. Set  
Author / Editor Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin, Guillaume Wunsch  
About Author No  
Content Yes  
ISBN 10 Digit 012765660X  
ISBN 13 Digit 9780127656601  
Pages 2976 pages  
Binding Hardcover

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