My Life - Its Legacy and Message

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People might consider me a great scholar, a Tapasvi, a seer, a mystic, a social reformer, a genius. However, in my own estimation, I'm only an ordinary person, with a heart brimming over with love and compassion for all fellow human beings. All my life has been spent in the "business" of love sharing love all-round me and inspiring people, by example, to love. I purchased this commodity-love at an exorbitant cost and have shared it with others almost free.

Content - 01. The need for an in-depth survey of my present life sojoum, 02. The sunrise of my life's fortune, 03. Guidelines by Gurudev about my future line of action, 04. First call of Gurudev - test at every step, 05. Second round of pilgrimage and projection of the field of work, 06. Sowing of the seeds for sublimation of attitudes and thoughts - Another      invitation for pilgrimage to the Himalayas, 07. Revelation of the technique of sublime transformation and how I implemented it in my life, 08. Third pilgrimage to The Himalayas -  Sowing the seeds of Risi traditions, 09. Mind of a Brahmana, actions of a Risi, 10. Visible attainments of Sadhana (Siddhis), 11. Fourth and final pilgrimage to the Himalayas, 12.   Transformation of physical into astral - Suksmikarana, 13. That which I am doing at present, 14. My request and assurance to my associates and collaborators, 15. Eminent persons and mythological characters referred to in the text             

Sub Title The autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya
Author Shriram Sharma Acharya
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit XXXX
ISBN 13 Digit XXXX
Pages 196
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2008
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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