Yoga - Asana - V 3

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One, who has established control over the asanas, conquers the three worlds.  – Jabaladarsanopanisad, III.13

Practice of asanas removes diseases and brings stability and health to the body. – Hatharatnavali of Srinivasayogi, Chapter III.5

This volume discusses various kinds of asana, both gross and subtle with suitable pictorial illustrations, textual references and scientific notes on their effects on the body and the mind from both hygienic and yogic viewpoints. Combination of textual account with the modern physiological analysis is sure to be helpful in the understanding of the proper mode of these postures which otherwise are likely to cause damage to the body and disturbance to the mind instead of bringing succor to both of them. It also discusses preparatory asanas for advanced practitioners. Practice of these asanas is so described that it prepares one for inner journey.

The book is designed to confirm to the course contents of Yoga, and we hope that it will benefit everyone including Yoga teachers, practitioners, researchers and students who are doing diploma, graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D.

Content – Table of Transliteration, Foreword, Preface, Introduction, PART I: ASANAS FOR BEGINNERS, A. Jivana Tattva Sadhana, 1. Introduction, 2. Sarvottana (Stretching the Entire Body), 3. Skandha Calana (Shoulders Rotation), 4. Paga Calana (Feet Movement), 5. Nabhi Calana (Rolling of the Navel), 6. Janu Prasara (Expansion of Thighs), 7. Nadi Calana (Exercise for the Nerves), 8. Bala Macalana (Child’s Playful Pose), B. Yogic Suksma Vyayama, Introduction, I. PHARYNX, INTELLECT. MEMORY HEARING POWER AND NECK EXERCISES, 9. Uccarana-Sthala Tatha Visuddha-Cakra Suddhi (Pharynx Purification), 10. Prarthana (Prayer Pose), 11. Buddhi Tatha Dhrti Sakti Vikasaka (Development of Intellect and Willpower), 12. Smarana Sakti Vikasaka (Improving Memory), 13. Medha Sakti Vikasaka (Development of Intellect Power), 14. Netra Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Eyes), 15. Kapola Vardhaka (Rejuvenation and Toning of Cheeks) 16. Karna Sakti Vikasaka (Improving The Power of Hearing), 17. Griva Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening of Neck), II. SHOULDERS, ARMS AND WRISTS EXERCISES, 18. Anguli-Mula Vikasaka (Toning of Fingers Joints), 19. Anguli Vikasaka (Toning of Fingers), 20. Mani-Bandha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Wrists), 21. Kara-Prstha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of the Back of the Palms), 22. Kara-Tala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Palms), 23. Bhuja-Bandha Vikasaka (Toning of Forearms), 24. Bhuja-Valli Vikasaka (Toning of Arms), 25. Purna-Bhuja Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Arms), 26. Kapohni Vikasaka (Toning of Elbows), 27. Skandha Tatha Bahu Mula Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening of Shoulder and Joints), III. STRENGTHENING OF CHEST, BACK AND ABDOMEN MUSCLES, 28. Vaksa-Sthala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Chest), 29. Kati Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of the Back), 30. Udara Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening of Abdominal Muscles), IV. STRENGTHENING OF THIGHS, KNEES, LEGS, ANKLES AND TOES, 32. Jangha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Thighs), 33. Gulpha-Pada-Prstha-Tala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Ankles and Feet), 34. Janu Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Knees), 35. Padanguli Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Toes), 36. Pindali Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Calves), 37. Pada Mula Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of the Soles), 38. Upastha Tatha Svadhisthana Cakra Suddhi (Toning of Genital Organs), 39. Muladhara Cakra Suddhi (Toning of Rectum), PART II: ASANAS FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS, I. Sitting Postures, 40. Dandasana (Staff Pose), 41. Siddhasana (Adept’s Pose), 42. Padmasana (Lotus Pose), 43. Vajrasana (Adamantine or Thunderbolt Pose), 44. Bhadrasana (Decent or Gracious Pose), 45. Virasana (Hero Pose), 46. Svastikasana (Auspicious Pose), 47. Sukhasana (Comfortable or Easy Pose), 48. Kakasana (Crow’s Pose), 49. Gomukhasana (Cow’s Face Pose), 50. Kokilasana (Cuckoo Pose), 51. Simhasana (Roaring Lion Pose), 52. Baddha Padmasana, 53. Brahmacaryasana (Celibate Pose), 54. Goraksasana (Yogi Gorakhanatha’s Pose), 55. Kukkutasana (Rooster Pose), 56. Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose), 57. Mandukasana (Frog Pose), 58. Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist Pose), 59. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose), 60. Sasankasana (Hare Pose), 61. Utthitasana (Uplifted Lotus Pose), 62. Udarakarsanasana (Abdominal Massage Pose or Belly Suction Pose), 63. Ustrasana (Camel Pose), 64. Utkatasana (Chair Pose), 65. Yogasana (Yoga Pose), 66. Balasana (Child’s Pose), 67. Eka Padangusthasana (One Foot-Toe Balance Pose), 68. Krauncanisadana (Crane or Heron’s Pose), 69. Pascimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose), 70. Uttanakurmasana (Lifted Tortoise Pose), 71. Vrsasana (Bull Pose), 72. Tribandhasana (Triple Lock Pose), 73. Bhunamanasana, 74. Janu-Bhumi Sthirasana (Knee Support Pose), 75. Manjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose), 75. Lolasana (Pendant Pose), 76. Akarna Dhanurasana (Stretched Bow Pose) Postures, II. Supine Postures, 77. Supta Vajrasana (Sleeping Adamantine or Thunderbolt Pose), 78. Matsyasana (Fish Pose), 79. Paryankasana (Couch or Bed Pose), 80. Pavanmuktasana, 81. Halasana (Plough Pose), 82. Cakrasana (Wheel Pose), 83. Setu Asana (Bridge Pose), 84. Supta Padangustha-Nasa Sparsasana (Supine Toe and Nose Pose), 85. Tolangulasana (Weighing Scale Pose), 86. Uttanamandukasana (Raised Frog Pose), 87. Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose), 88. Savasana (Corpse Pose), 89. Supta Udarakarsana (Supine Abdominal Massage Pose), III. Prone Postures, 90. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), 91. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), 92. Salabhasana (Locust Pose), 93. Naukasana (Boat or Yacht Pose), 94. Mayurasana (Peacock Pose), 95. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose), 96. Matsya Kridasana (Flapping Fish Pose), Postures, IV. Standing Postures, 97. Urdhva Hastottanasana (Up Stretched Hand Pose), 98. Asvatthasana (Holy Fig Tree Pose), 99. Garudasana (Eagle Pose), 100. Hasta- Padangusthasana (Hand Toe Pose), 101. Kati Cakrasana (Waist Movement Pose), 102. Natarajasana (Dancing Siva Pose), 103. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose), 104. Sankatasana (Contracted or Difficult Pose), 105. Konasana (Angle Pose), 106. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose), 107. Vatayanasana (Horse Pose), 108. Vrksasana (Tree Pose), Postures, V. Inverted Postures, 109. Sarvangasana, 110. Sirsa-urdhava-padasana or Sirsasana (Head Stand), Postures, INDEX

Sub Title From Confusion to Clarity
Author Satya Prakash Singh, Yogi Mukesh
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9788187471547
Pages 524
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2010
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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