Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy - V 1

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Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is a volume of original articles on all aspects of ancient philosophy. The articles may be of substantial length, and include critical notices of major books. OSAP is published twice yearly, in both hardback and paperback.

'The serial Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy (OSAP) is fairly regarded as the leading venue for publication in ancient philosophy. It is where one looks to find the state-of-the art. That the serial, which presents itself more as an anthology than as a journal, has traditionally allowed space for lengthier studies, has tended only to add to its prestige; it is as if OSAP thus declares that, since it allows as much space as the merits of the subject require, it can be more entirely devoted to the best and most serious scholarship.'

Content - Wisdom in Heraclitus, Anaxagoras on Perception, Pleasure, and Pain, Socratic Midwifery: A Second Apology?, Pleasure's Pyrrhic Victory: An Intellectualist Reading of the Philebus, Substantial Universals in Aristotle's Categories, The Structure of Teleological Explanations in Aristotle: Theory and Practice, The Assimilation of Sense to Sense-Object in Aristotle,  Eudaimonia as an Activity in Nicomachean Ethics I. 8-12, Aristotle's Poetics without Katharsis, Fear, or Pity, The Early Stoic Doctrine of the Change to Wisdom, Particularism, Promises, and Persons in Cicero's De officiis, Aspsius on Nicomachean Ethics 7: An Ancient Example of 'Higher Criticism'?, Galen's Teleology and Functional Explanation, Index Locorum              

Sub Title Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy - V XXXIII
Author David Sedley
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9780199238019
Pages 428
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2007
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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