Superconsciousness - How to Benefit from Emerging Spiritual Trends

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We are now at a major turning point in our personal and planetary development. Our values are changing dramatically: many of us are moving away from our previous emphasis on mere worldly gain, toward a new embrace of our own inner spiritual development. Superciousness-How to Benefit from Emerging Spiritual Trends explains the emerging techniques and attitudes that will help ease the transition to a more spiritually nurturing society and teach us to awaken the seeds of intuition, freedom, and joy that lie dormant within each of us. This is the first book that applies the teachings of the great sage Paramhansa Yogananda (193-1952, author of Autobiography of a Yogi) to the 21st Century.

Content - Preface, Introduction, 1. The Cycles of Time-Keys to Planetary Evolution, 2. Worshipping God as Divine Mother, 3. A Tribute to Yogananda,  4. Kriya Yoga- The Universal Science, 5. Paramhansa Yogananda - The Power of Divine Love, 6. Ananda Village - How It Was Started, and Why, 7. How to Be a True Disciple, 8. A Cosmic Vision of Unity, 9. Karma, Free Will, and Realization, 10. The Light of Superconsciousness, The Dawn of a New Age, Glossary         

Sub Title How to Benefit from Emerging Spiritual Trends
Author J. Donald Walters
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit 8178220261
ISBN 13 Digit  
Pages 218
Binding Paperback
Year of Publication 2001
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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