Technology Studies - Key Issues for the Twenty First Century in 4 Vols.

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Technology, in its current usage, can most simply be understood to have three components: artifacts, practices, and knowledge. Artifacts are the material objects that exist in the world. Practices are the methods and techniques used to interact with artifacts and knowledge represents the underlying theoretical and conceptual paradigms that influence technology in different cultural contexts. Using these components as the framework, this four volume major work traces the intellectual, scholarly, and public evolution of technology studies and ultimately questions whether technologies are truly autonomous within the societies they inhabit and whether or not technological changes drive social changes. Rayvon David Fouché presents the evolving conceptualizations of technology to understand the ways in which technology has shaped global society. Technology Studies is part of the 'Key Issues for the 21st Century' series published by SAGE which brings together collections on those critical issues that will shape our future.

This four-volume set covers:

Volume 1: Conceptualizing Technology

Volume 2: Theorizing Technological Change

Volume 3: Politics of Technology

Volume 4: Technology and Culture

Sub Title Key Issues for the Twenty First Century
Author Rayvon Fouche
ISBN 10 Digit No
ISBN 13 Digit 9781412933964
Pages 1344
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2008
Edition of Book 1st
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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