Yoga From Confusion to Clarity (Set of 5 Volumes)

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Here is an attempt to trace the origin of Yoga back to the Veda millennia before the advent of Patanjali with his Yoga-sutra which ordinarily is mistaken to be the earliest source-book on the discipline. By tracing the origin of so important a discipline as Yoga to that end this work not only presents a corrective of an error of so abysmal order but also brings to the fore the discipline in its pristine purity and abundance which resulted in the elevation of Angiras, Visvamitra, Vasistha, etc., to seerhood. The mystery of the Veda at such an early stage of the human history gets cracked here through the trace of yoga to that antiquity. Besides showing sure indications to the discipline in the Vedic Samhitas, it discloses the secret yogic practices of some of the most important seers of the Vedic age. If the method of prananusandhana as developed by Angiras has resulted in the way of access to pure consciousness through control of the vital, that of nadanusandhana as epitomized by the female seer Ambhrni has led to descent of Vedic mantras on the seers with all their exquisite wealth of wisdom, knowledge and aesthetic values. While the chapter on Yogic Motifs in Indus Seals confirms the literary evidence adduced here by archaeological verity, the Critique of Patanjali brings to the fore the seminal points of departure of him from the royal road of Yoga, raja-yoga, built up by the seers. Thus, if one wants to understand the secret of Spirituality in India along with the infallible way to it, one is sure to find this publication most refreshing and rewarding. As the book is designed to confirm to course contents of Yoga, it will be of great use to graduates, post graduates, diploma, degree and research students of Yoga and the teachers alike. Contents Table of Transliteration ii Foreword ix Preface xi Introduction xiii 1. Glimpses of Yoga in the Vedic Samhitas 1 2. Yogic Motifs in Indus Seals 15 3. Yogic Sadhana of Vedic Seers 29 4. Yoga as the Cradle of the Vedic System of Education 168 5. Consciousness and Yogic Sadhana in Saivism 181 6. A Critique of Patanjali 194 7. Vedic Vision of Bondage and Liberation 219 Index 229 Volume II – Psychology of Yoga While the first volume of the Foundation of Yoga deals with the historical side of the foundation, the present one concerns itself with the psychological which has been discerned in the form of consciousness. Just as matter is the basic stuff physical sciences have to deal with, consciousness serves as the basic stuff of the science of spirit known as Yoga. Any yogic practice apart from deep understanding of the nature of consciousness is, thus, doomed to end in an exercise in futility. This is what has been brought to the fore by Vedic seers and Upanisadic sages practically by diving deep into consciousness and declaring it as the source of everything in the world including matter itself. As such, what modern psychologists have declared as sub-conscious and unconscious, is only a covert form of consciousness. What has been recounted in the Veda as war between gods and demons is, thus, reducible to the seer’s entry into these covert layers of consciousness and facing the odds. Search of one’s identity in the pure consciousness is liberation and immortality while one’s identification with the physical is bondage and mortality. The Mahamrtyunjaya mantra epitomizes this secret at its best. All this has been brought out here closely and cogently on the evidence of the galaxy of Vedic seers and Upanisadic sages with a view to recreate the real psychological foundation of Yoga which otherwise is being tossed around today like a kite snapped off its string. As such, the volume is expected to prove an authentic passage to entry into the citadel of yoga and experience the felicity lying await within. It will be helpful in clearing the cobweb of misunderstanding about it formed in course of millennia and will benefit every one including yoga teachers, practitioners, researchers and students who are doing graduation, post-graduation and Ph.D. in Yoga. Contents Table of Transliteration ii Foreword xi Preface xiii Introduction xv 1. Consciousness, States and Grades 1 2. Consciousness as a Metaphysical Force 29 3. Existential Value of Consciousness 41 4. Concentricity and Universal Creativity of Consciousness 59 5. Consciousness of the Unconscious 91 6. Ordeals of the Unconscious in the Quest for Consciousness 107 7. Contribution of Angiras, Ayasya, Bhrgu and Dadhyan to the Discovery of the Way to Consciousness 127 8. Consciousness and Immortality 159 9. Yoga and Vak 191 10. Aesthetics and Yoga 243 11. Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra as a Way to Immortality 269 Index 287 Volume III – Asana vklua foftra ;su ftra rsu txrz;e~A One, who has established control over the asanas, conquers the three worlds. - Jabaladarsanopanisad, III.13 rRdq;kZnklua LFkS;ZekjksX;a pkaxikVoe~ AA Practice of asanas removes diseases and brings stability and health to the body. - Hatharatnavali of Srinivasayogi, Chapter III.5 This volume discusses various kinds of asana, both gross and subtle with suitable pictorial illustrations, textual references and scientific notes on their effects on the body and the mind from both hygienic and yogic viewpoints. Combination of textual account with the modern physiological analysis is sure to be helpful in the understanding of the proper mode of these postures which otherwise are likely to cause damage to the body and disturbance to the mind instead of bringing succour to both of them. It also discusses preparatory asanas for beginners as well as asanas for advanced practitioners. Practice of these asanas is so described that it prepares one for inner journey. The book is designed to confirm to the course contents of Yoga, and we hope that it will benefit everyone including Yoga teachers, practitioners, researchers and students who are doing diploma, graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D. Contents Table of Transliteration ii Foreword xiii Preface xv Introduction xvii PART I: ASANAS FOR BEGINNERS A. Jivana Tattva Sadhana 1. Introduction 5 2. Sarvottana (Stretching the Entire Body) 6 3. Skandha Calana (Shoulders Rotation) 9 4. Paga Calana (Feet Movement) 13 5. Nabhi Calana (Rolling of the Navel) 15 6. Janu Prasara (Expansion of Thighs) 17 7. Nadi Calana (Exercise for the Nerves) 19 8. Bala Macalana (Child’s Playful Pose) 22 B. Yogic Suksma Vyayama 27 Introduction 29 I. PHARYNX, INTELLECT, MEMORY HEARING POWER AND NECK EXERCISES 9. Uccarana-Sthala Tatha Visuddha-Cakra Suddhi (Pharynx Purification) 31 10. Prarthana (Prayer Pose) 33 11. Boddhi Tatha Dhrti Sakti Vikasaka (Development of Intellect and Willpower) 35 12. Smarana Sakti Vikasaka (Improving Memory) 37 13. Medha Sakti Vikasaka (Development of Intellect Power) 39 14. Netra Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Eyes) 41 15. Kapola Vardhaka (Rejuvenation and Toning of Cheeks) 44 16. Karna Sakti Vikasaka (Improving the Power of Hearing) 46 17. Griva Sakti Vikasaka (Strngthening of Neck) 48 II. SHOULDERS, ARMS AND WRISTS EXERCISES 18. Anguli-Mula Vikasaka (Toning of Fingers Joints) 53 19. Anguli Vikasaka (Toning of Fingers) 56 20. Mani-Bandha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Wrists) 58 21. Kara-Prstha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of the Back of the Palms) 61 22. Kara-Tala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Palms) 64 23. Bhuja-Bandha Vikasaka (Toning of Forearms) 66 24. Bhuja-Valli Vikasaka (Toning of Arms) 68 25. Purna-Bhuja Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Arms) 70 26. Kapohni Vikasaka (Toning of Elbows) 72 27. Skandha Tatha Bahu Mula Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening of Shoulder and Joints) 75 III. STRENGTHENING OF CHEST, BACK AND ABDOMEN MUSCLES 28. Vaksa-Sthala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Chest) 79 29. Kati Sakti Vikasaka (Strenthening and Toning of the Back) 82 30. Udara Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening of Abdominal Muscles) 90 IV. STRENGTHENING OF THIGHS, KNEES, LEGS, ANKLES AND TOES 32. Jangha Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Thighs) 105 33. Gulpha-Pada-Prstha-Tala Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Ankles and Feet) 107 34. Janu Sakti Vikasaka (Toning of Knees) 109 35. Padanguli Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Toes) 111 36. Pindali Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of Calves) 113 37. Pada Mula Sakti Vikasaka (Strengthening and Toning of the Soles) 115 38. Upastha Tatha Svadhisthana Cakra Suddhi (Toning of Gental Organs) 117 39. Muladhara Cakra Suddhi (Toning of Rectum) 119 PART II: ASANAS FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS I. Sitting Postures 40. Dandasana (Staff Pose) 133 41. Siddhasana (Adept’s Pose) 137 42. Padmasana (Lotus Pose) 147 43. Vajrasana (Adamantine or Thunderbolt Pose) 154 44. Bhadrasana (Decent or Gracious Pose) 158 45. Virasana (Hero Pose) 167 46. Svastikasana (Auspicious Pose) 171 47. Sukhasana (Comfortable or Easy Pose) 174 48. Kakasana (Crow’s Pose) 178 49. Gomukhasana (Cow’s Face Pose) 180 50. Kokilasana (Cukoo Pose) 185 51. Simhasana (Roaring Lion Pose) 187 52. Baddha Padmasana 196 53. Brahmacaryasana (Celibate Pose) 201 54. Goraksasana (Yogi Gorakhanatha’s Pose) 203 55. Kukkutasana (Rooster Pose) 207 56. Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) 211 57. Mandukasana (Frog Pose) 217 58. Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist Pose) 221 59. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose) 231 60. Sasankasana (Hare Pose) 238 61. Utthitasana (Uplifted Lotus Pose) 240 62. Udarakarsanasana (Abdominal Massage Pose or Belly Suction Pose) 243 63. Ustrasana (Camel Pose) 246 64. Utkatasana (Chair Pose) 252 65. Yogasana (Yoga Pose) 256 66. Balasana (Child’s Pose) 262 67. Eka Padangusthasana (One Foot-toe Balance Pose) 265 68. Krauncanisadana (Crane or Heron’s Pose) 268 69. Pascimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) 272 70. Uttanakurmasana (Lifted Tortoise Pose) 282 71. Vrsasana (Bull Pose) 286 72. Tribandhasana (Triple Lock Pose) 289 73. Bhunamanasana 292 74. Janu-Bhumi Sthirasana (Knee Support Pose) 295 75. Marjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose) 299 75. Lolasana (Pendant Pose) 302 76. Akarna Dhanurasana (Stretched Bow Pose) 305 Postures 311 II. Supine Postures 77. Supta Vajrasana (Sleeping Adamantine or Thunderbolt Pose) 329 78. Matsyasana (Fish Pose) 335 79. Paryankasana (Couch or Bed Pose) 343 80. Pavanmuktasana 347 81. Halasana (Plough Pose) 351 82. Cakrasana (Wheel Pose) 359 83. Setu Asana (Bridge Pose) 363 84. Supta Padangustha-Nasa Sparsasana (Supine Toe and Nose Pose) 366 85. Tolangulasana (Weighing Scale Pose) 369 86. Uttanamandukasana (Raised Frog Pose) 375 87. Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose) 383 88. Savasana (Corpse Pose) 386 89. Supta Udarakarsana (Supine Abdominal Massage Pose) 392 Postures 395 III. Prone Postures 90. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) 403 91. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 411 92. Salabhasana (Locust Pose) 424 93. Naukasana (Boat or Yacht Pose) 431 94. Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) 438 95. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) 444 96. Matsya Kridasana (Flapping Fish Pose) 451 Postures 454 IV. Standing Postures 97. Urdhva Hastottanasana (Up Stretched Hand Pose) 461 98. Asvatthasana (Holy Fig Tree Pose) 464 99. Garudasana (Eagle Pose) 466 100. Hasta-Padangusthasana (Hand Toe Pose) 469 101. Kati Cakrasana (Waist Movement Pose) 472 102. Natarajasana (Dancing Siva Pose) 475 103. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose) 477 104. Sankatasana (Contracted or Difficult Pose) 481 105. Konasana (Angle Pose) 484 106. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose) 487 107. Vatayanasana (Horse Pose) 490 108. Vrkasana (Tree Pose) 492 Postures 495 V. Inverted Postures 109. Sarvangasana 503 110. Sirsa-urdhava-padasana or Sirsasana (Head Stand) 509 Postures 515 INDEX 517

Sub Title YOGA From Confusion to Clarity
Author Prof. Satya Prakash Singh
About Author No
Content No
ISBN 10 Digit No
ISBN 13 Digit 9788187471578
Pages 1642
Binding Hardcover

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