The Gems of Vedic Wisdom

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The study of Vedas is essential for everyone who desires to acquire complete knowledge about God, soul and the world. Vedas are indispensable for attainment of peace, prosperity in the life. Vedas advocate the establishment of world peace based on spiritual foundation which is the most important need today in this conflict torn world and the mad rat-race of obtaining superiority over others. Universal love and friendship are the basics of the Vedas.

All actions of human beings are covered by the following four categories: (I) ‘Dharma’-Religion, (II) ‘Artha’ – acquisition of health, (III) ‘kam’ – fulfillment of carnal desires, and (IV) ‘Moksha’ – salvation. The Vedas cover all these aspects in brief. One more and very important characteristic of Vedas is that while all other religious thoughts or Philosophical system are the inspiration or teachings of a particular sage but the Vedas viz. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharveda are the divine relations to four seers: (I) Agni (II) Vayu (III) Aditya and (IV) Angira respectively.

Veda is the repository of all knowledge and wisdom covering all matters relating to animate and inanimate. It is the revealed text of all principles, basics sciences and arts useful for the advancement of human society. It is like a deep ocean, full of precious jewels and the person who dares to jump deep into it, gets amply rewarded. It enables man to understand and do whatever is helpful in achieving the goal of life.

The Veda inspires the law-giver, guides the grammarian, infuses life in the logician, serves the instructor, the surgeon and the scientist. All that is contained in the Veda is not only meant for the personal welfare of the individual but for the welfare of all in the universe.

Authority of Veda is the highest in all matters whether religious, social, literary or legal and all sciences must subserve it.

In these days of international understanding, it is essential to remove social pride, prejudice, misunderstanding and that is possible only when the revelations of the finest universal truth for the benefit of the humanity as contained in the scriptures of the world are made known and put in the hands of the common man in a language he can easily understand and follow.

This book will undoubtedly be a valuable asset to any person and library in India and in the world as a whole.

Content - Foreword, Preface, Vedic Doctrine of Trinity, 1. Om, 2. Invocation, 3. God, 4. Eulogium, 5. Prayer, 6. Worship & Communion, 7. Cosmogeny, 8. Three Eternal Substances-God, Soul and Prakriti, 9. Transmigration, 10. Devine Revelation – The Vedas, 11. Moral Life, 12. Truth, 13. Liberality, 14. Noble Intention, 15. Fearlessness, 16. Self-reliance, 17. Self-Sacrificing Act, 18. Universal Love, 19. Non-Covetousness,  20. Jealousy, 21. Social Organisation, 22. Social Harmony, 23. Salvation, 24. Noble Aspirations, 25. Peace Chanting

Sub Title

The Gems of Vedic Wisdom


Kamlesh Sharma

About Author

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Vedic Doctrine of Trinity
1. Om
2. Invocation
3. God
4. Eulogium
5. Prayer
6. Worship & Communion
7. Cosmogeny
8. Three Eternal Substances-God, Soul and Prakriti
9. Transmigration
10. Devine Revelation – The Vedas
11. Moral Life
12. Truth
13. Liberality
14. Noble Intention
15. Fearlessness
16. Self-reliance
17. Self-Sacrificing Act
18. Universal Love
19. Non-Covetousness
20. Jealousy
21. Social Organisation
22. Social Harmony
23. Salvation
24. Noble Aspirations
25. Peace Chanting

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ISBN 13 Digit






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