EGGLESS Cakes & Muffins BOOK

£2.32 £3.88
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Most people believe that all the good quality cakes and pastries turn out the best because of using eggs, and without eggs one cannot make delicious baked goods. Trying to change that notion, the author Nita Mehta, Indian celebrity chef, has written this amazing recipe book to show people certain ways in which one can prepare amazing bakery goods like professional chefs. All thanks to this book, the readers can explore completely different and interesting ways to make cakes and pastries. The recipes included in the book do not contain eggs. Instead egg substitutes are used to create some of the eye-catching and palatable cake, muffins and pastries. The book throws light on some of the unique ingredients and techniques, using which anyone could make pro-like eggless cakes at home. Hence, it is a helpful guide for those who don’t like eggs in their baked-bread products. Apart from different cake-making techniques, the book also covers many types of icing and frosting methods to give desired shapes to your cakes, pastries or muffins.

EGGLESS Cakes & Muffins BOOK

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