Cook Book of Regional Cuisines of India NEW

£4.07 £6.80
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About the Book: Cookbook of Regional Cuisines of India India has every kind of climate zone within its borders: extremely wet areas drenched with monsoon rain; dry sandy deserts; fertile river-watered plains; balmy hills and valleys; snow-covered mountains; and a very long coastline. Each climate zone has its own flora and fauna, the 'raw material for the regions food, at the basic level. But apart from a varied climate, there is also tremendous diversity in history, culture and tradition, which gets superimposed on the preparation of food, and refines it to a sophisticated art. So in every part of India a region, a state, a city you will find a distinct cuisine that has evolved over centuries, with recipes perfected and passed down from generation to generation. For this book I have selected a few examples from this great heritage of ours. Come let us take a Taste Exploration Journey around India together.

Cook Book of Regional Cuisines of India NEW

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