Women and Politics - Worldwide New

£4.66 £7.77
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Despite the fact that women's interest in politics is increasing and that almost all political parties have promised higher female representation in politics, women's organizations mostly appear to believe that these developments will not end in "women deputies". Women's representation in politics is not linked to whether a country is rich or poor. Compared to men, women still face numerous obstacles when entering politics. In spite of the fact that countries around the world have recognized the under-representation of women in politics and started to adopt measures to address the deficit, the world average proportion of women members of national - level legislatures stood at a mere 17 percent. To date, moreover elected women head only 13 of the world's 194 states and governments. Understanding that women's participation is central to democratic governance. International IDEA works to improve women's representation and participation in politics.

Women and Politics - Worldwide New

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