A Handbook of Population Geography

£7.56 £12.59
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Population geography is a branch of human geography that is focused on the scientific study of people, their spatial distributions and density. To study these factors, population geographers examine the increase and decrease in population, peoples' movements over time, general settlement patterns and other subjects such as occupation and how people form the geographic character of a place. Population geography is closely related to demography. This comprehensive handbook provides a comprehensive, issue-oriented introduction to population geography. An understanding of population is essential to prepare for the future, this cogent text will provide graduates and postgraduates with a thorough grasp of the field. The book serves the purpose of teaching spatial characteristics of population. Lucid language and to the point description of every aspect is an add on advantage.

Content - Preface, 1. Introduction, 2. Theories of Population, 3. Population Growth, 4. Population Structure, 5. Disengagement Theory of Population, 6. Classical Demography, 7. Human Population Control, 8. Contraceptive Security, 9. Human Migration, Bibliography, Index

Sub Title A Handbook of Population Geography
Author Dr. Sanjay Kumar
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9789382484301
Pages 288
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2014
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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