Jammu & Kashmir - The Wounded Paradise

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After the failure of Khilafat movement disillusioned Muslim leadership, rejecting the concepts of Communal harmony and common Nationhood of Gandhiji, joined hands with the Muslim League in the name of Ummah and the separate homeland. Jammu and Kashmir appeared to be the right issue to start with.

Ahmadiya Chief Bashiruddin Mehmood, wanted to convert the gentle Kashmiris to the concept his New Prophethood. He wanted to create a new heaven in Kashmir for Ahmadiya Movement Sir Mohammad Iqbal wished to build a mega Punjab by merging Sindh, NWPF, Baluchistan and Jammu and Kashmir with Punjab, as a prelude to the future Muslim homeland. Attaulla Shah Bukhari, once a devote Gandhian could not allow heretic Ahmadiyas to lead a pan Islamic movement and perched on the borders of Punjab and Jammu, along with his Ahrar volunteers. While people of Jammu and Kashmir, unaware of these preparations were busy with their Dargahs, Asthans, Peers and Rishis, the grim warriors from various Muslim groups, eager to grab the precious land of Kashmir, were assembled across the borders of Jammu and Kashmir ready for a new Mahabharta.

That is how the author visualises the story of Kashmir. But this book is not about political events only, it is about the wounded Paradise and its battered people, about its nature, the visible face of the paradise, the magnificent lake Dal, now groaning like a sick old man suffering from some terminal disease. It is about birds who have forgotten to return to their lakes, marshes, and the forests which have lost many highland species and many herbs. It is about our ancestors line Nund Rishi, who implored that, "the food will last as long as the forests are not lost." It is about the fading Kashmiri language which is treated like an old maid and asked to remain out of sight of gentlemen citizens. The book is also about thousands of Kashmiri young men and women trying to escape from their disillusionment and hopelessness, drowning themselves in the drug hallucination. It is also about our hope that we shall retrace our steps from the brink and the birds will return home to roost.

The book is largely based on hundreds of letters, personal, official, opens ndt ops ecret,w rittenb ym ajor actors in this tragedy of Jammu and Kashmir.

Content - Preface : Because I lived through it, 1. The birds will come home to roost, 2. To protect the empire of the Caliph, 3. Musketeers In the Valley of Saints, 4. A Young man with a Fez Cap, 5. Abdul Qadir Khan, 6. Birth of National Conference, 7. Sheikh in the cobweb, 8. Accession deliberately delayed, 9. The invasion by Pakistan, 10. The Great Gilgit Game, 11. Kashmir under Abdullah, 12. Five steps to dismissal, 13. The terror crawls in, 14. The victims, 15. Birth and Death of Article 370, 16. Let us rebuild our New Paradise, 17. The Post script, Index 

Sub Title Jammu & Kashmir - The Wounded Paradise
Author Jawaharlal Kaul
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit 8195331262
ISBN 13 Digit 9788195331260
Pages 383
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2021
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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