Indian Mythology Through the Art and Miniatures

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In India, from the time immemorial, the traditional and legendary stories connected with deities, demigods and the explanation of basic truth has found expression through various fine arts, which includes literature, paintings, sculpture, wood carving, dance and music etc. As per Buddhist texts, there were eighty two arts and crafts, of which eighteen were referred as Heenasipaani, or inferior arts. In the modern times the fine arts collectively are called the art and strangely. architecture is excluded from this realm.

Each art which depicts the Indian mythology has a separate tradition, which is independent of the historical events of the nation. The Puranic gods, demigods and deities too have their own chronology.

This books attempts to illustrate the various traditions, the art schools and the chronology of historical events through literary work of great poets, paintings, sculptures, wood carvings, dance and music etc, all of which together form the Indian mythology.

Indian mythology has some common source with ancient Egypt, ancient Assyria and ancient Persia, as such few chapters have been devoted to these civilisations. The chapter of Lord Krishana's visit to Naglok (ancient Egypt) which was then ruled by queens who called themselves snake-maidens (Nagakanyas) and a very old and rare Assyrian rock sculpture, which seems to depict the Hindu Puranic story about Vamana Avatar and Asur king Bali; and also the description about ancient inscriptions in village Deol (Delhi) relating to Mahabharata hero, Angdesh king Karna, which were discovered by the author of the present book, have added novelty to the book.

The solution to quizzing problem being faced by linguistics and historians etc. regarding the existence of pockets of population speaking Dravid languages near Baluchistan in Pakistan and also the question, how the contemporary religious public could accept and tolerate the so called erotic sculptures on Khajuraho and Orissa temples, are the other striking features of the book.

On going through the book the reader will definitely feel an 'Indian experience' of mythology.

A word from the great cultural giant of India:

"This book of Navin Khanna summons us to the shorelines of art, poesy and values to seek the fine peaks of consciousness".

Prof. Lokesh chandra

Content - The Age of Hindu Renaissance, Budha And Bodhisattva, Jainism & Jain Bastis, The Indian Mythology, The Indian Mythology And Ancient Egypt, Archaeological Evidence of Nagalok Episode of Indian Puranic Story 'Krishna Avatar' in Ancient Egypt, Asurs and Assyrian Connections, Early Religous Poetry of Persia and India, Vedic Deities, Aboriginal People, Art In India, Modern Vision of Hindu Deities and Raja Ravi Varma's Paintings, Hindu Religion and Hindu Mythology, The Krishna Avatar And The Epic Of The Mahabharata, Dance And Music, Glossary, Further Reading                

Sub Title Indian Mythology Through the Art and Miniatures
Author Navin Khanna
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9788181500939
Pages 115
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2013
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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