AN Introduction To Buddhist Philosophy in India And Tibet

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Content - Preface and Introduction, PART I: INDIA, Chapter I. The Theravada or the Teaching of the Elders, Chapter II. The Sarvastivada or the Philosophy that "Everything Exists", Chapter III. The Madhyamaka or the Philosophy of the Middle Way, Chapter IV. The Madhyamaka or the Philosophy of the Middle Way, Chapter V. The Madhyamaka or the Philosophy of the Middle Way, Chapter VI. Yogacara or Buddhist Idealism, Chapter VII. Yogacara or Buddhist Idealism, Chapter VIII. Yogacara or Buddhist Idealism, Chapter IX. The Theory of the Buddha-essence (Tathagata-garbha), PART II: TIBET, Chapter X. Vajrayana: General Features, Chapter XI. The Nyingma or the Old School of Tibetan Buddhism, Chapter XII. The Sakyapa, Chapter XIII. The Kagyupa and the Doctrine of the "Great Seal" (Mahamudra), Chapter XIV. The Gelugpa, Bibliography,  Abbreviations, Notes, Index                    

Sub Title AN Introduction To Buddhist Philosophy in India And Tibet
Author Zahiruddin Ahmad
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 8177420690
Pages 395
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2007
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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