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€7.37 €12.29
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A project refers to a temporary undertaking to bone to create a unique product,and project management is a discipline which incorporates organisation and handling of resources in a way that the a adhere to the project's need, time and cost constraints. This book seeks to explore that arena of project management comprehensively. The Project Mangers is a person quite crucial to the making of project. Even though he may seldom be a part of the activities resulting in an end result, nevertheless he strives to maintain the progress an mutualj interaction of the parties involved in the project in such a way so as to reduce the overall risk of failure. About Author : A.K. Roy has an extensive background of professional experience and has been associated very closely with multinational groups of industries in various advisory capcities. He has to his credit publication of numerous articles and is the author of several books. Contents : Preface Basics of Project Management Project Planning Project Organisation Project Governance Functions of Project Manager Resource Allocation Conflict Negotiation Project Termination Modern Trends in Project Management Bibliography Index...

Consumer Behaviour

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