Transforming Social Work Practice - Equality and Diversity in Social Work Practice

€16.67 €27.80
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Social workers must develop a sensitive yet informed approach when working with service users from different social and cultural groups. In many aspects of life, including accessing human services, people are marginalised, ignored, stigmatised or discriminated against because of one or more aspects of their identity: age, sexual orientation, faith or belief, gender, race or ethnicity, social class, and disability. This book acts as a guide for students to develop their understanding of these various groups while illustrating how the social work value base can be a central part of such understanding.

Sub Title No
Author Chris Gaine
About Author No
Content No
ISBN 10 Digit No
ISBN 13 Digit 9781844455935
Pages 160
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2010)
Edition of Book Ist edition
Language English
Illustrations No

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