Struggle of Modern Women in Manju kapur's Fictions

€8.70 €14.51
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This book is useful to research scholar and students whose area of interest is in Indian English Literature Specifically in feminism. The books is mainly focused on modern literate women strive for their individuality. The novelist has portrayed her protagonists as rebellious toward conventional customs, flights for their proper place and establish their identity. Modern women desire to be educated and became self reliant economically so that they can get the real freedom and can live as per their own terms. The education is not only a useful tool to get a suitable match, but to enjoy self-respectful place in society. They fight for autonomy remains an unfinished combat in their quest for identity. They have to face the conflict between traditions and modernize. Hereby, woman's conditions are just like a sandwich between consciousness of her individuality and unconsciousness of archetypal patriarchy and traditional mind set. The novelist has created the image of new Indian Woman through her fictions. Indian English Literature is written part of the contemporary issues of human being, mind set, culture, belief and taboo as thematically the expressions of the writers' sensibilities of life especially woman. Her female characters are no more the silent sufferers but they dare to raise their voice against injustice. The protagonists rebel against the family for their own stuff. As a free bird, they have to be a creature of their last destinations. Manju Kapur mainly focuses on female protagonists' complexities around the society.

Content - Foreword, Preface, 1. Female writers in Indian English Literature, 2. Life and Thoughts of Manju Kapur, 3. An Overview of Manju Kapur's Literature, 4. Theory of Identity Crisis, 5. Identity Crisis of Female Characters, 6. Struggle of Female Characters for Survival, 7. Summary,  Reference, Index      

Sub Title Struggle of Modern Women in Manju kapur's Fictions
Author Dr. Khushbu Mahendrakumar Swami
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9789385830327
Pages 188
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2020
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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