Research Methodology in Cultural Studies

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This book is for people who think they can't do research on culture and moreover don't want to do them, perhaps because 'doing research in culture' has been associated with feelings of struggle, bewilderment and incompetence. For many such people, even if cultures eventually were mastered, non-existing formulae the complexity of the world, or of personal experiences, than language or artistic forms.

If you are a Humanities student, it is likely that at some stage you will be required to study a research methods module or course. This is particularly the case for postgraduate students and increasingly so for undergraduates. It is often found that some students in Humanities departments are a bit skeptical about 'methodology' and the possibility of teaching 'how to do research'.

Research is just something you do. It is also found that the practical approach to teaching quantitative methods - which can also be applied to other methods - has helped to bridge this perceptual gap. This book is a basic introduction to the principles of emprical quantitative research, many of which underpin any effective approach to methodology teaching.

Content - Preface, 1. Culture: An Introduction, 2. Content Analysis, 3. Issues in Cross-cultural Studies, 4. Applying Cultural Study Theory, 5. Of Cultural Studies: Cross-cultural Reception Studies, 6. The Use of the Racial/cultural Identity Development Model, 7. Collaborative Learning and Cultural Competence, 8. Cultural Studies to Cultural Research, 9. Cognition to Behaviour: A Cross Cultural Study, 10. Contextual Utility and Practicality, 11. Types of Research Methodologies and Theories of Strategy Formation, 12. New Methodology for the Cross-cultural Analysis, Bibliography,  Index              

Sub Title Research Methodology in Cultural Studies
Author Dr. Oinam Shuraj
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9788181161963
Pages 296
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2013
Edition of Book First
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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