Tell me about VISHNU

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Lord Vishnu descended on earth at various points of time in nine different forms or Avatars. These forms were of a:

Fish, Tortoise, Boar, Half Man-Half Lion, Dwarf, Parashuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha

The various mythological adventures presented in the book entrall and grip a child's imagination. It describes in detail Vishnu's valour and shows why Lord Vishnu is worshipped as the protector of mankind.

Content - The King & The Fish (Fish Avatar), Panic in the Ocean (Tortoise Avatar), When the Vedas were Stolen! (Boar Avatar), The Boon (Narsimha Avatar), The Trick (Vamana Avatar), The Celestial Axe (Parashuram Avatar), The Unfair Exile (Ram Avatar), The Prophesy (Krishna Avatar), The Ascetic Prince (Buddha Avatar)        

Sub Title Tell me about VISHNU
Author IRA Saxena
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9788176761444
Pages 79
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2014
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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