Tell me about SHIVA

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Lord Shiva, the Hindu God, is considered to be the most powerful. His image is that of an ash smeared ascetic who wears garlands of snakes and meditates on the frozen terrains of the Himalayas! But do not be fooled by these strange apparels and habitat. As the stories in this book unfold, we learn that every aspect of Shiva's personality holds a depth of meaning that should be a learning process for humanity.

Content - Shiva and the Moon, Sati and Shiva, Marriage of Shiva and Parvati, The Descent of Ganga, Sons of Shiva, Shiva - The Saviour of Gods, Worship of Shiva, Shiva sends Yama away       

Sub Title Tell me about SHIVA
Author IRA Saxena
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit  
ISBN 13 Digit 9788176761222
Pages 81
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2014
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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