Chemistry and Mode of Action of Crop Protection Agents

€26.98 €44.97
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This book examines the chemistry and mode of action of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators. It follows crop protection strategies from early discoveries to the present day, emphasising the biochemical targets of the compounds discussed.

Chemistry and Mode of Action of Crop Protection Agents provides an in-depth, yet easy to read and understand, review of the major classes of pesticides, explaining also the basis of their activity and selectivity. Throughout, there are many references to allow the reader to pursue areas of special interest, and each chapter contains questions to ensure that the text has been understood. This is the first book on the mode of action of pesticides to have been published in over ten years, and as such will have a very wide audience. It is aimed primarily at graduate level but will also be relevant to the needs of some sixth form and undergraduate courses, as well as to industrialists and advisors in the field of crop protection.

Content - Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Herbicides, Chapter 3 Insecticides, Chapter 4 Fungicides, Chapter 5 Plant Growth Regulators, Appendix: Answers to Questions, Subject Index      

Sub Title Chemistry and Mode of Action of Crop Protection Agents
Author Leonard G.Copping, H. Geoffrey Hewitt
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit 0854045597
ISBN 13 Digit 9780854045594
Pages 145
Binding Paperback
Year of Publication 1998
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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