Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media

€6.67 €11.11
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Communication an essential aspect of religion: communication occurs between believers, between religious leaders and followers, between proponents of different faiths, and even between practitioners and the deities. The Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media explores all forms of religious communication worldwide and historically, with a special emphasis on oral and written forms of communication.

To examine how and why the world's religions have used different means of communications, the Encyclopedia offers topics on the following themes:

Forms of verbal communication, including chanting and sermons

Forms of written communication, including books, encyclicals, literature, and magazines

Other forms of communication, including art, film, and sculpture

Religious communication in public life, including Internet, cyber environments, radio, and television

The Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media contains 124 entries contributed and signed by scholars from international universities and institutions, with expertise in the fields of religious studies, communication studies, media studies, theology, journalism, and more.

A timely and unprecedented resource, the Encyclopedia analyzes the dynamics of the relationship between religion, communication, and media, exploring an essential aspect of religion that has a great impact on culture, society, and daily life.

Sub Title Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media
Author Daniel A. Stout
About Author As per Book
ISBN 10 Digit 0415969468
ISBN 13 Digit 9780415969468
Pages 467
Binding Hardcover
Year of Publication 2006
Edition of Book  
Language English
Illustrations As per Book

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